Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 5pm or by appointment
Sizes quoted are of artworks by height x width x depth in cm. Where enquiries of prices are made on the gallery, the work is subject to availability and the price to change. ALL WORKS FOR SALEAdditional parking at the Swan Inn
Born 1956 Essex
1972-74 Foundation Course, Colchester School of Art and Design
1974 Awarded Munnings Travel Scholarship
1974-77 B.A., Chelsea School of Art, London
1988 ‘South Bank Picture Show’ (Drawing Prize), Royal Festival Hall, London
1991 ‘South Bank Picture Show’ (People's Prize), Royal Festival Hall, London
‘Spectator Art Award’ Show (Second Prize) – Fruitmarket Gallery,
‘Barbican Gallery, London
‘South Bank Picture Show’ (Third Prize), Royal Festival Hall, London
1994 ‘Drawings For All’ (Highly Commended Prize), Sudbury
‘Eastern Open’ (Lady Evershed Drawing Prize), Kings Lynn Arts Centre
‘Drawings For All’ (Third Prize), Gainsborough House, Sudbury
Acquisition of drawing 'Museum Head' by Chelmsford Borough Museum
Acquisition of three pictures by Abbaye d'Auberive Art Contemparain
Collection, France
1996-98 East West Gallery, London
1996 Chapter Art Centre, Cardiff (to accompany “Coffee” by Edward Bond with the Rational Theatre Company)
Royal Court Theatre, London (to accompany “Coffee”)
Gainsborough House, Sudbury, Suffolk
University of Glamorgan
Chappel Galleries, Essex
1999 Chappel Galleries ‘New Charcoal Drawings’
2000 Chappel Galleries, with Laurence Edwards Sculpture
2002 Chappel Galleries, Essex with Jonathan Clarke Sculpture
2005 Chappel Galleries, Essex “Drawings from the Imagination”
2007 Dreams & Mythologies, Piers Feetham Gallery, London
2010 "Fusains" Galerie Beatrice Soulie, Paris
2023 Chappel Galleries, Essex “Drawings”
1988-92 ‘Spectator Art Award’ Show
1988-92 ‘South Bank Picture Show’, Royal Festival Hall
1988, 94, 96, 98, 00 ‘Drawings For All’, Sudbury
1991 ‘View of the New’, Royal Overseas League, London
1991-2005 East West Gallery, London
1992 ‘Figures’ Exhibition, Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield Merz Gallery, London
Art Bus, Fife, Scottish Arts Council Tour Show to Schools etc.
The Minories, Colchester, Essex Open
1995 Chappel Galleries, Essex
1996-99 ‘Cheltenham Open Drawing’, Cheltenham, Gloucester College of Higher Education, plus tour to Berlin 1999
1996, 2000- 02 ‘Eastern Open’, Kings Lynn
1999 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition
“Unquiet Voices” an exhibition of English and American Visionary Art
1903–2003, with Joe Coleman, Von Stropp, Austin Spare, Norbert Kox,
Charles Benefiel, Nick Blinko, Malcolm McKesson, Laurie Lipton,
Donald Pass with the Henry Boxer Gallery at the Horse Hospital,
Hunting Art Award Show, Royal College of Art, London
British Art Fair, Henry Boxer Gallery
The Affordable Art Fair, Piers Feetham Gallery
2004-09 “Drawn to the Line” Piers Feetham Gallery, London
“Drawing the Line” at Orleans House with the Henry Boxer Gallery
East West Gallery Artists at the Royal Overseas League, Edinburgh
2006 Inner Landscapes: Outsider & Visionary Art, Plymouth Arts Centre. With the Henry Boxer Gallery
CARNIVORA, 'The Dark Art of the Automobile', C Pop Gallery, Detroit,
CARNIVORA, 'The Dark art of the Automobile', L'imagerie Gallery, North
Hollywood, USA
New Blood Rising, Fuse Gallery, New York, USA
The 13th Hour, Last Rites Gallery, New York, USA
Chappel Galleries, Essex (with Terry Curling and Mary Griffiths)
Drawings by Paul Rumsey to accompany the book "The Fantastical
Feats of Finn MacCoul" with published drawings by Paul Rumsey
20/21, British Art Fair, London, Piers Feetham Gallery
The Morbid Anatomy Cabinet, Barristers Gallery, New Orleans, USA
The 13th Hour, Last Rites Gallery, New York, USA
The Damned Show, Tangent Gallery, Detroit, USA
Christmas Mixed Exhibition, Chappel Galleries, Essex
The Art of Still Life Chappel Galleries, Essex
20th Anniversary Exhibition East West Gallery London
'DRAW' at the Museo de la Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico City
BeinArt Collective Group Exhibition Copro Gallery Santa Monica
"Alfred Kubin et vingt createurs contemporains du dessin", Abbaye
d'Auberive, France
"MOSAIQUES 2010" L'exposition d'art contemporain a Pont - Sainte -
Marie (Aube) Troyes, France
The 13th Hour , Last Rites Gallery, New York, USA
Soren / Pouppeville / Rumsey, "Les Refuses", Galerie Beatrice Soulie,
Salon de Mai 2011, Paris
"Dystopia" BeinArt Collective Group Exhibition, Copro Gallery, Santa
Monica, California
"TERMINUS", Villa Mainau 34, Zurich, curated by Les Barany and
Marco Witzig
The 13th Hour, Last Rites Gallery, New York, USA
20/21 British Art Fair with Henry Boxer, London
2012 20/21
International Art Fair with Piers Feetham Gallery, London
Le Salon du Dessin Contemporain, DRAWING NOW, Carrousel du
Louvre, Paris, Galerie Beatrice Soulie presents drawings by Isabelle
Jarousse and Paul Rumsey
London Print Fair, with Jonathan Pascoe Pratt
“The 13th Hour” Last Rites Gallery, New York, USA
British Art Fair with Henry Boxer, London
Cabinet DA-END 02, Galerie DA-End, Paris
9th February to 21st April: Chelmsford Borough Museum – joint
exhibition with Wladyslaw Mirecki
EN-TETES, Topographie de l’art, Paris
L’Exposition L’Appartement, Talents Boutique, Paris
beinArt Collective Group Exhibition, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica,
California, USA
20/21 British Art Fair, with Henry Boxer, London
Piers Feetham Gallery, London, Joint show with Terry Curling
Galerie Beatrice Soulie, Paris, Joint show with Terry Curling
Galerie Beatrice Soulie, Marseille, Joint show with Terry Curling
2015 Chappel Galleries: Paul Rumsey Sale of Works Solo Exhibition: November 2015
2016 Halle Saint Pierre, Paris, "L'ESPRIT SINGULIER" Collection de L'Abbaye d' Auberive
Galerie Beatrice Soulie Paris, "Dessins Recents, Fusain et Encre". Solo
LOMEX Gallery, New York, "Eat Code and Die"
L'Abbaye d'Auberive, France,"Opiums?"
Hayletts Gallery Maldon, Essex, "Essex Men Artists"
Academy of European Law, Trier, exhibition and auction, "Art Knows no
2018 Chappel Galleries Essex, "New Year Selection" Musee H.R. Giger, Switzerland, "Apocalyptic Visions", with Pedro de Kastro, October 2018 to April 2019.
2019 Galerie Beatrice Soulie Paris, "Dollies and Drawings", joint show with Terry Curling.
2020, 21, 23 Chappel Galleries, Essex Paul Rumsey has exhibited in a variety of Group Exhibitions.
2023 Chappel Galleries, Essex Solo Exhibition: Drawings 19th August to 10th September.